

November 24, 2007 - Nicky won BOB at the MBCA lure tirial in Hollister from the Veterans class.  Nicky was the oldest dog entered and had the highest score of the day.
November 23, 2007 - Rally won BOB at the MBCA lure trial in Hollister from the Veterans class.  She ran very well and beat her daughter Rio for the win.

October 13 - 19, 2007 - Kinetic Basenjis made a good showing the BCOA National Specialty.  We brought home several ribbons and we are very proud of all our dogs.  Heart and Cole kicked off the week by getting 4th place in the Breeder's Stake at the ASFA lure trial.  Sophie got 2nd in the 50% Af 9-12 puppy class at the ASE. Zeke placed 3rd in the50% Af, 9-12 Puppy Dog Class.  In the regular classes, Zeke placed 4th in the American Bred class.  Nicky was 4th in the 9-11 year old Veteran Sweepstakes.  Cole was 3rd in the Field Trial Class.  Rally was 2nd in the Field Trial Class.  Rio was 3rd in the American Bred Class.  Overall I was very happy with how they all did.  It was an exhausting week for us all.
July 28, 2007 - Sophie won her second point at the Lompoc Valley Kennel Club show by going WB/BOW under judge June Penta.  Sophie is still more of a clown than a show dog but she is getting there.
July 27, 2007 - We have recieved Fanconi Marker Test results for 4 of our dogs.  Nicky, DC Sherwood's In The Nick Time SC, RN, LCM is Probable Clear.  Rally, DC Sherwood's Shadow of the Moon SC, FCh, JOR, is Probable Clear.  Rio, FC Kinetic's Sourcery SC, is Probable Carrier.  Cole, DC Kinetic's Enchanted Knight SC, FCh is Probable Carrier.  The really good news is that NONE of the puppies born here are Kinetic should ever be affected since Rally is Clear.
July 26, 2007 - Rio won the Open Stake and the Iverness Wilderness Hound Club's AKC lure trial completing her AKC Field Championship. 
June 15, 2007 - Sophie earned her first point towards her AKC championship at the Shasta Kennel Club show under judge Roger Hartinger.  She is a silly puppy and would like to play in the ring but when she wants to she can pull herself together and look like a show dog even if it is only a few seconds at a time.
June 14, 16, 17, 2007 - Rio earned 3 more points towards her AKC championship going Winners Bitch Thursday at the Shasta Kennel Club show under judge Paula Hartinger, Saturday at the Butte County Kennel Club show under judge Robert Stein, and Sunday at the Butte County Kennel Club show under judge James Fredricksen.
June 2, 2007 - The Soul litter made their debut at the BCONC Puppy Match.  All 3 showed great interest in chasing the lure.  Zeke took 2nd place in the 4-6 month puppy dog class, Ringo was 4th in the same class and Sophie was 3rd in the 4-6 month puppy bitch class.  I am very proud of all three pups. 
Photo by Steve Southard
May 12, 2007 - Cole finishes second place in the Open Stake at the California Coursing Association's AKC lure trial in Riverside, CA for 3 points finishing his field championship!  Congratulations to Cole and my mom!  Cole is the first homebred AKC Dual Champion here at Kinetic!
DC Kinetic's Enchanted Knight SC, FCh
Photo by Steve Southard
April 21, 2007 - Rio, Kinetic Sourcery SC, earns a 3 point major in the Open Stake at the Bay Area Rhodesian Ridgeback Club's AKC lure trial in Vacaville, CA.  Rally, DC Sherwood's Shadow of the Moon SC, FCh, JOR earned a 3 point major in the Veterans Stake.
Photo by Dave Mills
March 17, 2006 - Rio, Kinetic Sourcery SC, takes Best of Breed at the Sierra Slopes Ibizian Hound club's ASFA trial in Sloughhouse, CA.  Rally, DC Sherwood's Shadow of the Moon SC, FCh, JOR was first place in the Field Champions stake.
Photo by Shot on Site
February 10 and 11, 2007 -
Cole, Ch Kinetic's Enchanted Knight JC, finished his ASFA Field Championship on February 10 at the Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club's ASFA trial!  Cole is Kinetic's first homebred ASFA Field Champion and my mom's first field champion.  Congratulations Cole!  Cole also got his first day as  a field champion off to a good start by taking first place in the field champion stake for 12 points on February 11.
February 10, 2007 -
Rio, Kinetic Sourcery JC, took first place at the Northern California Irish Wolfound Club's ASFA trial.  This win brings her to 40 points towards her field championship.  Rally, DC Sherwood's Shadow of the Moon SC, FCH, JOR, took 3rd in the field champions stake picking up another 9 points towards her LCM, and Nicky, DC Sherwood's In The Nick of Time SC, RN, LCM,  got first in Veterans for 4 points.
Cole and Rio
January 25, 2007 -
Rio, Kinetic Sourcery JC, and Cole, Ch Kinetic's Enchanted Knight JC both recieved OFA hip ratings of Good! 
Cole Coursing
Photo by Shot on Site
January 20 & 21, 2007 -
Cole, CH Kinetic's Enchanted Knight JC, was First Place in the Open stakes at the Monterey Bay Coursing Association's ASFA trial for 24 points on Saturday.  On Sunday, at the Pharoah Hound Fanciers of Northern California's ASFA trial he was BOB for another 12 points!  This brings Cole to 88 points towards his ASFA Field Championship

December 29 & 30, 2006 -
Cole, Kinetic's Enchanted Knight JC, was WD at the Santa Cruz Kennel Club show on Friday under judge Murrel Purkhiser for 1 point.  On Saturday at the Salinas Valley Kennel Club show he was Winner's Dog under judge Charles Olvis for a 3 point major.  This win finished Cole's championship!  Congratulations Cole! and Congratulations Mom for handling him to such nice wins!
Cole Win
December 9, 2006 -
Cole, Kinetic's Enchanted Knight JC, continues his winning ways taking Winner's Dog at the Shoreline Dog Fanciers show in Costa Mesa, CA under judge Keke Kahn.  Cole now has 11 points towards his championship.
Rally and Pups
December 7, 2006 -
Happy Birthday to Ramses, Cole, Heart, and Rio!
For their second birthday their Mama Rally got them 3 new half african, half siblings.  Check out the newest Kinetic puppies.
December 3, 2006 -
Heart, Kinetic Heart of Lucky Magic, ran in her first trial  and did an awesome job.  In stiff competition she took 1st place for 40 points towards her ASFA field championship.  Congratulatons Heart!  Thank you to the Weikel family for bringing Heart out to run
December 3, 2006 -
Ramses, Kinetic's Pharaoh's Magician, came out to try for his ASFA certification and passed!  Congratulations Ramses!  We look forward to seeing Ramses on the coursing field in the future.  Thank you John, for bringing Ramses out to run.
Lure Coursing
Photo by Shot on Site
December 2, and 3 -
Cole, Kinetic's Enchanted Knight JC, hit the coursing field again and ran off with a 5 point major in AKC!  This brings Cole to 10 points towards his field championship.  On Sunday he took fourth place in ASFA to bring him to 52 points.  He is a running fool , good work Cole!
November 30 and December 1 -
Cole, Kinetic's Enchanted Knight JC,  went Winner's Dog at the Los Encinos Kennel Club show in Long Beach, CA under judge Gabriel Valdez for 1 point on Thursday.  On Friday, at the Long Beach Kennel Club show at the same location he went Best of Winners, for another 1 point, under judge Mike Macbeth.  Congratulations Cole!
Cole Coursing
Photo by Shot On Site
November 23-26
Cole, Kinetic's Enchanted Knight JC, gave ASFA coursing a try for the first time this Thanksgiving weekend.  He ran his way to 2nd place each day earning 42 points for the weekend.  Congratulations Cole!
October 21, 2006 -
We are so proud of Nicky, DC Sherwood's In The Nick of Time SC, RN, LCM for winning Best of Opposite Sex Veteran in Sweeps at the Basenji Club of Northern California Specialty under Camille Bakker.  Nicky also took the 7-10 year old Veterans class and made the first cut in the Best of Breed ring.  Thank you to Pat Fragassi for handling Nicky in his classes. 
September 30, 2006 -
Cole, Kinetic's Enchanted Knight JC, went BOW at the Burbank Kennel Club show for a 2 points  under judge Del Richards. Cole now has 8 points towards his championship including 1 major.  He has been owner handled by my mom, Deborah, to each of his wins.  Congratulations to both of them!

Rio Coursing
September 4, 2006 -
At the Nothern California Whippet Club ASFA lure trial Rio earned 16 points, a first place in Open, and Best of Breed!  Rally got second place in Field Champions and Nicky got third place in Field Champions.  I am very proud of them all.
June 18, 2006 -
At the Northern California Whippet Fanciers Association AKC lure trial Rio earned her first point towards her AKC field championship by winning the Open Stake.  Not to be out done Nicky earned 2 points towards his AKC lure courser excellent title by winning the Veteran Stake.